Minifycode 2020-06-06 Viewed 1.4K times Javascript

In this article, you will learn how to minify Javascript code?

How to minify Javascript code: in this article, we will describe, this includes the removal of whitespace, comments, and semicolons, along with the use of shorter variable names and functions. Minification of JavaScript code results in compact file size. Minification, also known as minimization, is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from JavaScript source code without altering its functionality. 

How to minify Javascript code: in this article, we will describe, this includes the removal of whitespace, comments, and semicolons, along with the use of shorter variable names and functions. Minification of JavaScript code results in compact file size. Minification, also known as minimization, is the process of removing all unnecessary characters from JavaScript source code without altering its functionality.
minify code