Minifycode 2020-05-15 Viewed 1.4K times HTML

In this article, you will learn how to create Positioning Properties of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)


In this article, Positioning Properties of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), The positioning attributes of CSS are used primarily to style layers using the tag, though you'll also use them to style the position of a picture, container, or block-level element within the browser. For layers, both the contents also because the container is often styled with attributes during this category.

position: Determines how a styled element should be positioned during a browser window. Specify whether the position is absolute, fixed, relative, or static.

#footer { position: relative; }

When setting the position, use one among the subsequent style values:

absolute: Sets the element’s position absolutely supported the numeric values entered for the element’s placement relative to the upper-left fringe of the browser window, or to the closest absolutely or relatively positioned parent element.

fixed: Sets the element’s position absolutely supported the numeric values entered for the element’s placement relative to the upper-left fringe of the browser window.

relative: Sets the element’s position by the numeric values entered for the object’s placement relative to the style element’s position within the file’s text flow.

static: Sets the element in a particular location within the text flow.

width: Use this attribute to line the width of a componentlike a layer or other container, by using px, pt, in, cm, mm, px, em, ex, %, or auto.

#layer1 {
width: 770px;

height: Use this attribute to line the peak of a componentlike a layer, by using px, pt, in, cm, mm, px, em, ex, %, or auto.

#layer1 {
height: 110px;

visibility: This attribute determines the initial visibility value of a componentwhich may be set to hidden, inherit, or visible when the page first opens during a browser window.

#layer1 {
visibility: hidden;


Positioning Properties of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
minify code